Bulletin - Easter Sunday April 17, 2022

NCPC Sunday Morning Worship Service

Choir Introit - Christ Is Risen! Allelujah!

Christ Is Risen, He Is Risen Indeed!

How can it be? The One who died has borne our sin through sacrifice, to conquer every sting of death; sing, sing hallelujah!

For joy awakes as dawning light when Christ’s disciples lift their eyes; alive He stands, their Friend and King; Christ, Christ, He is risen.

Chorus: Christ is risen, He is risen indeed! Oh, sing hallelujah. Join the chorus, sing with the redeemed. Christ is risen, He is risen indeed!

Where doubt and darkness once had been, they saw Him and their hearts believed; but blessed are those who have not seen, yet sing hallelujah.

Once bound by fear, now bold in faith, they preached the truth and power of grace; and pouring out their lives they gained life, life everlasting. Chorus

The power that raised Him from the grave now works in us to powerfully save; He frees our hearts to live His grace; go tell of His goodness. Chorus

He’s alive! (He’s alive!) He’s alive! (He’s alive!) Heaven’s gates are opened wide! He’s alive! (He’s alive!) He’s alive! (He’s alive!) Now in heaven glorified! Words and music by Ed Cash, Keith Getty, and Kristyn Getty; 2012, Gettymusic and Alletrop Music; CCLI License # 387777

Call to Worship/Prayer of Invocation

Christ Is Risen

Let no one caught in sin remain inside the lie of inward shame, but fix our eyes upon the cross, and run to Him Who showed great love and bled for us; freely You've bled for us.

Chorus: Christ is risen from the dead, trampling over death by death; come awake, come awake, come and rise up from the grave. Christ is risen from the dead; we are one with Him again; come awake, come awake, come and rise up from the grave.

Beneath the weight of all our sin, You bowed to none but Heaven's will; no scheme of hell, no scoffer's crown, no burden great can hold You down. In strength You reign; forever let Your Church proclaim. Chorus

Bridge: O death, where is your sting? O hell, where is your victory? O Church, come stand in the light; the glory of God has defeated the night. Singing: O death, where is your sting? O hell, where is your victory? O Church, come stand in the light; our God is not dead; He’s alive, He’s alive! Chorus

Words and music by Matt Maher and Mia Fieldes; 2009, spiritandsong.com, Thankyou Music, Be Essential Songs, and Upside Down Under; CCLI License # 387777

O Lord, My Rock and My Redeemer

O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer, greatest treasure of my longing soul, my God, like You, there is no other. True delight is found in You alone. Your grace, a well too deep to fathom, Your love exceeds the heavens’ reach; Your truth, a fount of perfect wisdom, my highest good, and my unending need.

O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer, strong defender of my weary heart, my sword to fight the cruel deceiver and my shield against his hateful darts, my song when enemies surround me, my hope when tides of sorrow rise, my joy when trials are abounding, Your faithfulness, my refuge in the night.

O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer, gracious Savior of my ruined life, my guilt and cross laid on Your shoulders, in my place You suffered, bled, and died. You rose, the grave and death are conquered, You broke my bonds of sin and shame. O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer, may all my days bring glory to Your name. Words and music by Nathan Stiff; 2017, Sovereign Grace Worship; CCLI License # 387777

Corporate Confession of Sin - Pastor Tim Dryden

Father, we confess that we often do not live as if we were raised to new life as we have been through the resurrection of Your Son, living in the certain knowledge of Your great mercy and love. Distracted by the world around us, we fail to hear Your voice, or hide as we wander off the path. Forgive us, we pray; restore the love that we first had, a faith that endures. Keep our eyes fixed on You, Lord, and with You at our right hand we shall not be shaken. We ask in the name of Your Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.

Morning Prayer

(Dismissal for Children’s Worship for Age 4 through Kindergarten.)

Offertory - Risen Indeed

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Hymn No. 731 - Doxology

Scripture Reading Mark 15:20-22 (Pew Bible pg. 852)

Sermon - Easter and Its Effects

Celebration of the Lord’s Supper

New Covenant welcomes all baptized Christians who have forsaken their sin and trust in Jesus Christ alone for salvation, and who are members of congregations that proclaim the Gospel, to receive the Lord’s Supper with us. The elements will be passed through the rows in the sanctuary and in the fellowship hall. We wait to eat together as a family meal. Gluten free bread is provided.

O Come, All You Unfaithful (During Communion)

Christ the Lord Is Risen Today (Hymn No. 277)

Christ the Lord is ris’n today, Alleluia! Sons of men and angels say; Alleluia! Raise your joys and triumphs high; Alleluia! Sing, ye heav’ns, and earth, reply. Alleluia!

Vain the stone, the watch, the seal; Alleluia! Christ has burst the gates of hell: Alleluia! Death in vain forbids His rise; Alleluia! Christ has opened paradise. Alleluia!

Lives again our glorious King, Alleluia! Where, O death, is now thy sting? Alleluia! Once He died our souls to save, Alleluia! Where thy victory, O grave? Alleluia!

Soar we now where Christ has led, Alleluia! Foll’wing our exalted Head; Alleluia! Made like Him, like Him we rise; Alleluia! Ours the cross, the grave, the skies, Alleluia!

Hail, the Lord of earth and heav’n! Alleluia! Praise to Thee by both be giv’n; Alleluia! Thee we greet triumphant now; Alleluia! Hail, the Resurrection, thou! Alleluia! Words by Charles Wesley and tune is EASTER HYMN (Lyra Davidica), public domain; CCLI License # 387777

Postlude Hosanna (Praise Is Rising)


  • Church-wide Spring BBQ Picnic, NEXT Sunday, April 24, 12 p.m. It will be outside on the field behind the Fellowship Hall with tables and chairs provided or feel free to bring a blanket for your family to have a picnic. Lawn games will be provided. Hamburgers, pulled pork, beverages, and desserts will be provided as well! Please bring a side dish. If it rains, we will have the picnic in the Fellowship Hall.

  • No Sunday School Classes TODAY. Please take some time to visit and to enjoy some snacks with others in the Gathering Area.

  • Ladies, Sip and Share Tea at Kara Larson’s 2-4 p.m. on Saturday, April 30 (4709 Ashbury Lane, Virginia Beach, 864-770-5903).

  • Sports Camp! Summer’s Best Week - for ages 5-13. June 27-July 1 at NCPC. Information and registration at www.resurrectionvb.org/sb2w.

  • VBS, July 11-15, 9:00-11:45 a.m. Registration Coming Soon!

  • Adult Men & Teen Guys, join us for sports and fellowship at 7:00 p.m. on Monday nights! It’s also a great chance to get to know our brothers at Evergreen Korean Presbyterian. Sports include basketball, soccer, and foot tennis. Questions? Contact Josh Escamilla (josh.escamilla@newcovenantpca.org).

  • Visit Our Website at www.newcovenantpca.org for information about our church – if you want to plug in at the church, you can do so through New Covenant Connect, found on the site.

  • Are You Getting Texts & Emails Through Flocknote? If not, text please to 84576.


Bulletin - April 24th, 2022


Bulletin - Palm Sunday - April 10th, 2022