Sunday Updates:
Sunday School is for children who this school year are in PreK -5th grade.
We will have 3 classes: PreK, Kindergarten/First Grade, 2nd-5th Grade
Children's Worship is for ages 3 through kindergarten.
Sing Time for CHILDREN OF ALL AGES will starts right after our Church Service.
Taking care of our precious little gifts from the Lord, our infants and toddlers, is one of our highest privileges and most sobering responsibilities. Our nursery serves newborns through 3-year-olds, and their safety and well-being are our top priorities. Because of this commitment, we strive to provide extremely qualified volunteers in a fun, secure and clean environment. Nursery is provided on Sundays during the times listed below:
Worship Service: 9:30 - 10:45am Cry room and private nursing area is also located in the back of the sanctuary.
Sunday School: 11:15am - 12pm Please communicate to us any unique needs your child may have, and we will do our best to take care of them. For more information, please contact our Nursery Director.
Because God swore in His Covenants to Noah, Abraham, Moses, and David that His promises were to them and their children after them, we are committed to lovingly training up the next generations in the truths given us by the Lord. To contact our Children’s Director.
Children’s Sunday School, Children's Worship, and Sing Time: are all in-person in the children’s wing. There will be a Sunday School class for Pre-K, one for Kindergarten and First-Grade, and one for Second to Fifth Grade.
We also have past recorded children’s lessons and Sing Time available at this link.
Visit for more information about how to register or volunteer for this years VBS!
Virtual Sunday Archive
Please visit our virtual Sunday School archive to listen to past lessons and Sing Time.