Join a Community Group
Most of us have busy lives.
These groups are where church “happens” during the week. The Bible calls us to love one another, pray for one another, and encourage one another, which is difficult to do in the few minutes we’re at church on Sundays. It’s critically important that we connect with others, and it’s so encouraging – just ask anyone who attends any of the groups listed.
These groups are where authentic relationships are formed. Community groups usually consist of 8-12 people meeting in a home or at church where you can expect good food, Bible study, laughter, and friendship. We take time out from our busy schedules to meet weekly to learn Biblical principles and to encourage one another. The Gospel teaches us that we are a gift to one another, and that we need one another as we seek to follow Jesus.
All of our community groups are open for you to visit. In fact, we encourage everyone to visit a few before deciding on the group that is the best fit. We want our community groups to feel like home.
Community Groups
Fairfield Community Group
📧 fairfield.cg@newcovenantpca.org
Led by Kurt Nelson, Wednesdays at 6:15pm, at the Nelsons’ home with childcare.
Studying: The Gospel-Centered Parent by Marie Miller
This is a multi-generational group of families and singles. We EAT SUPPER first! Childcare provided. Lots of laughter, fun, and sharing of lives.
Kempsville North Community Group
📧 kempsvillenorth.cg@newcovenantpca.org
Led by Johnnie Draughon, & Wayne Smith, Wednesdays at 6:30 pm at the Draughons’ home and virtually. Contact Johnnie for more information and the link for virtual attendance.
Studying: The book of Revelation
Our group desires to study and apply God’s Word to our lives. We are a balanced mix of middle-aged and senior saints, though we would most gladly welcome younger believers.
Kempsville South Community Group
📧 kempsvillesouth.cg@newcovenantpca.org
Led by Paul Wrigley & Andrew Leech, Wednesdays at 7:00pm at the Gests’ home.
Studying: Dust to Glory
Our group works hard to build community by spending rich time praying for one another, along with our study of Scripture.
Lynnhaven Community Group
📧 lynnhaven.cg@newcovenantpca.org
Led by Matthew & Ellen Reichenberger, Wednesdays at 7:00pm at the Reichenbergers’ home.
Studying: The Holy Spirit by Sinclair Ferguson
We strive to cultivate Gospel-centered community and deep relationships through authentic fellowship, study of the Word, and prayer. We welcome families and anyone from any age and stage in life!
Family Community Group
📧 family.cg@newcovenantpca.org
Led by Jeff and Becky Brauch, Thursdays at 6:00pm, at the church with childcare
Studying: Genesis
We spend time getting to know and praying for one another as well as studying God’s Word together. We meet early so that community is accessible to families with children, but we welcome people of all ages and stages of life.
Great Bridge Community Group
📧 greatbridge.cg@newcovenantpca.org
Led by Bob Essmann & Rich Papworth, Wednesdays every other week at 6:00pm, at Panera Bread (237 S. Battlefield Blvd, Chesapeake 23322).
This is a group that has fun building community and being spiritually fed and encouraged.
The Preserve Community Group
📧 thepreserve.cg@newcovenantpca.org
Led by Pastor Jeff Elliott, Wednesdays at 6:30pm, at the Elliotts’ home.
This Community Group will work to build community through learning and applying the Gospel inside-out, praying for one another, and having fun!
For more information about any of our community groups please email the group leaders using the links provided