Planning A Visit
Thinking about visiting us? Here’s some basic information about Sundays at New Covenant.
Service Times:
Our service begins at 9:30 am and ends around 10:45 am.
Dress any way you like – most people come in casual clothes.
Parking is available in front and on the side of our sanctuary and behind the buildings.
Our greeters will welcome you & help direct you to the sanctuary and fellowship hall.
What to Expect During Worship:
One of the most common questions people want to be answered when visiting a church is: What kind of worship do they have?
(And this often really means…What kind of music do they have?)
Because of our desire to stay connected with traditional Christian worship, as well as to enjoy some of the best of today’s Christ-centered music, we strive for a blend of hymns and contemporary music. Our goal is to incorporate the best of the old and the best of the new.
All of us worship something - because God made us to be worshipers. Our worship, however, goes beyond singing to God. We worship God by corporately praying to Him, thus honoring His greatness as the One to Whom we must cry out. We worship God through giving tithes and offerings, thus being concrete as we acknowledge that all we have belongs to Him. We even worship God by hearing His Word read and proclaimed through sermons since He is honored when we yearn to hear what He has to say and we then take it to heart.
Worshiping God together, through the mercy found in Jesus Christ, is the basis of our life together at New Covenant. Our prayer is that you would personally experience the new life offered in Christ through the gospel, and express that new life by joining with your fellow believers in Christ-centered, God-honoring worship.
You will be warmly welcomed, probably by several genuinely friendly people happy to assist you with whatever you might need. If you like, grab a cup of coffee and something sweet before you make your way to your seat.
Our worship service is centered on Christ and directed by the Word of God.
Our music is a purposeful blend of traditional hymns and contemporary songs.
Nursery and Children:
We are currently offering nursery and children’s church during the service and during the Sunday School classes. We also invite families with infants or small children to bring them to worship. An isolated cry room is available at the back of the sanctuary for infant care.
Sunday School:
11:15am - 12:00pm
Contact Us
1552 Kempsville Rd
Virginia Beach, VA 23464
Monday - Friday: 9am–5pm
Sunday: 9am-12pm
(757) 467-5945