Women’s Ministry
Our Women's Ministry is for women, by women. We believe that building relationships is the foundation of spiritual growth and strength within each individual's walk with Christ. To foster these relationships, the NCPC Women's Ministry offers regular Bible studies and social events. Click here if you have questions about women’s ministry.
Special events are hosted regularly to bring us all together and foster relationships within the body of Christ. We understand that there are many different life situations represented by the women within our church and community - We also understand that we all need Jesus, encouragement, friendship, fun, & prayer.
Join the 365 Bible Recap
We started something special several years ago with the women’s ministry and now the entire church is joining along. The Bible Recap is a chronological 365 day Bible reading plan that equips you to find God on every page. The daily scripture readings are paired with an ~8 minute podcast hosted by Tara-Leigh Cobble as she summarizes the text, helps unpack deep truths, and provides links for more study if desired. Watch this short video to the left and click below to learn about the Bible Recap
Ready to Start? Here are the next steps:
1. Before January 1 listen to the 6 short prep episodes to get our road map (links at #5 on the Learn about the Bible Recap ... see above).
2. Join the NCPC Group on the YouVersion App. You'll find the assigned daily passages, and we'll be able to encourage each other here throughout the year.
3. Invite your friends to join.
4. Pray for God's leading and a soft heart to see that He's where the JOY is!
Those not comfortable with podcast technology or who prefer a print version, start with this reading plan and get the companion book which has the transcribed version of each podcast episode.
Have more questions? Check out this FAQ or email someone from our women’s ministry here.
Monday Evening Women’s Bible Study
Time: Mondays from 6:30-8:30am
Location: Joanne Nelson’s home and Virtual. Reach out to her at KJNelsonFamily@gmail.com for location information.
Topic: Behold & Believe
RSVP: Joanne Nelson
If you are needing the discipline of directed Bible study, desire more friendships among women of all ages who can encourage you to grow in godliness, and don’t want to do dishes one night a week, then come Monday night and see if this is for you!
Dinner is provided from 6:30-7;00pm. Study 7:00pm to 8:30pm.
25 Books available for $8.50.
Tuesday Morning Bible Study
Time: Tuesdays from 9:30-11:00am
Location: In-Person (New Covenant Presbyterian Church 1552 Kempsville Rd, Virginia Beach VA 2346) and on Zoom
Topic: Behold & Believe
RSVP: Joanne Nelson
This is a multi-generational group of women of all stages in life.
Child-care is provided
25 Books available for $8.50.
Saturday Afternoon Bible Study
Time: Saturdays at 2:30pm
Location: Vickie Adam’s Home
Topic: Working through the entire Bible using the Dust to Glory video series
RSVP: Barb Pon
This is a group of ladies studying God’s Word, supporting each other, and praying through life together. Child-care is not provided. Meet & greet at Vickie’s house on September 21st and regular Bible study begins October 12th.