Men’s Ministry

God has called men to a radical manhood, as demonstrated by Jesus Christ, and we belive it is realistic that men develop as they work (and play) together and encourage one another. We want our men to connect through a variety of activities such as our monthly men’s breakfast, social gatherings, retreats, service projects, and various times of gathering around God’s word for spiritual growth and encouragement.

Ministry Opportunities

For more information about the Men’s Ministry at NCPCA, contact the Men’s Ministry Coordinator Steve Kaegebein.

Monthly Men’s Breakfast

The men of New Covenant meet for breakfast on the first Saturday of each month at 8:00am for a time of fellowship and study. Men have time of table-talk and conversations followed by topical discussions on biblical manhood.

For more information, contact Johnnie Draughon.


Men's Tuesday Lunch Bible Study

Pastor Elliott meets with a group of men from 12:30-1:30 at Brick House Diner on Providence Road every Tuesday.

We work our way through books of the Bible.

Please contact Pastor Elliott for more information.


Monthly Men’s Fellowship

On the third Tuesday of the month, men gather for fellowship at either a restaurant, a member’s house, or the church. During this time, men enjoy good food and conversation while getting to know other men in the church.

Men’s Retreat

Annually we get away for fun, exercise and spiritual challenge.

In recent years we’ve gone to the Airfield Conference Center in Wakefield, Virginia. We usually eat, sleep, hang out, are challenged spiritually, eat, and probably spend time at the shooting range.