Christmas Eve Candlelight Service
Gather with us on Christmas Eve for a candlelight service! The service will begin at 4:30. There will be Christmas songs, short messages reflecting upon classic Christmas hymns, and individual candlelight for all who come.

Women's Ministry: Meet Me In The Kitchen
Ladies, the Women’s Ministry team would like to invite you to an evening of fun while learning the art making various charcuterie boards (of course we will eat the fruits of our labor!). Join us for an evening of food and fellowship. Please RSVP to Gail Deen by October 11th.

Jubilee Celebration Weekend
We are excited to announce that Matthew Smith from Indelible Grace will be joining us for our 50th Anniversary final celebration October 5th. Picnic and outdoor fun at 4PM, followed by a FREE concert at 6PM. Matthew will present an evening of hymns and songs to lead our worship and praise. Don't miss this opportunity to hear this amazing, nationally known artist. See more information on the concert on the Facebook Event Page.

Pastor Rob Corwin Installation, Reception, & Pounding
Sunday, September 15, 6 p.m. All are invited to a Special Installation Service for Pastor Rob Corwin in the Sanctuary.
Immediately following the service we will have a reception (sign up below to bring food for the reception) AND "pounding" for the Corwins in the Fellowship Hall. WHAT IS A POUNDING? A “pounding” is welcoming a new pastor’s family with a housewarming - a “pound” of flour, sugar, etc.
Women's Ministry Welcome Brunch for Hannah Corwin
All ladies are invited to join us at a welcome brunch for our new assistant pastor's wife, Hannah Corwin. The brunch will be held in the church gathering area. Contributions to a group gift are welcome by September 9th. Send all replies for gift contributions and RSVP to ncpcwomensministry@gmail.com. Refreshment sign up at via Perfect Potluck.
Move Up Sunday!
Parents please note that “Move Up Sunday” for our children’s Sunday school classes in September 8th.
Men’s Ministry Breakfast
Men’s Ministry Breakfast
The men of NCPC meet monthly to grow in Christ together on the first Saturday of every month in the church fellowship hall. Breakfast will be prepared and servced, so come and join your brothers as we fellowship. After breakfast we will be studying through Spiritual Fathers: Restoring the Reproductive Church by Dan Schaffer. Books are available for purchase from Kevin Berlin for $10. Questions? Contact Kevin Berlin or Johnnie Draughon.

Super Summer Wednesdays
Pizza & Ice Cream Social
It will take place July 19 from 5-7pm in the Fellowship Hall.
We will have some water games out back as well!
Pizza and ice cream will be provided.
Please look out for a food sign-up soon to bring a side or drink!
If you have any questions, contact Jessica Stone at Jessica.Stone@newcovenantpca.org.

"Pounding" for Reichenbergers
Immediately following worship this Sunday we will have a "pounding" for Matthew and Ellen Reichenberger.
What is a Pounding? Wikipedia says, “Pounding is a ritual in Christianity in which a new minister is given gifts by members of the congregation of that church at which he is assigned to preach. The practice can be traced back to at least the 19th century, when communicants of a church visited the parsonage and dropped off a pound of an item of food, such as "coffee, sugar, flour or honey."
Matthew and Ellen don’t have a parsonage, but we’ll bring goods to the fellowship hall for them to launch their new home. It’s a chance to drop by and get to know them better.
Women’s Ministry Food & Fellowship
No agenda, just friendship — come as you are!
For all women of New Covenant PCA
Sunday, May 28 at 4 pm
at Camino Real, Indian River Rd, Virginia Beach
POC/RSVP Gail Deen 757-788-6792 or gitdeen@comcast.net
Coordinated by NCPCA Women's Ministry Team

Youth Group
Youth Group meets jointly with youth from sister churches in our fellowship hall on the third Wednesday of each month (through May) from 6:00-8:00 pm. Students from 6th-12th grade come together to eat, enjoy each other's company, and hear the Word of God taught in a way they can understand and apply to their daily lives.

ESL (English as a Second Language)
Cost: There is no tuition for our classes. We do charge for the price of textbooks ($35), which students get to keep.
Registration: Registration begins on the first day of classes and continues on regular class days throughout the year. Students are accepted as long as space is available. You may obtain a registration form at regular class times, or at other times from the church office, or online https://www.newcovenantpca.org/english-classes
Childcare: Childcare is not provided.
Refreshment Breaks: We gather together for snacks from 8pm to 8:15pm. This is a social time for students to visit with their teachers and new friends.
General Information: If you have any questions or concerns about any of our policies or practices, please call the church office at 757-467-5945 or send an email to ncpcenglish@gmail.com.

Men's Monday Sports Nights
Join us for soccer and fellowship at 7pm on Monday nights! It’s also a great chance to get to know our brothers at Evergreen Korean Presbyterian.
Questions? Contact Wade Dryden.

Board Game Fellowship
On the third Sunday of each month, we gather at New Covenant Presbyterian Church on Kempsville Road in Virginia Beach to play card and board games and enjoy each other's company.
This group is open to the community, so invite your friends. Check out the NCPC Board Gaming Group on Meetup https://meetu.ps/c/50nqP/ZxSZg/a
Sunday School
Join us following worship for children's, youth, and adult Sunday School classes.

ESL (English as a Second Language)
Cost: There is no tuition for our classes. We do charge for the price of textbooks ($35), which students get to keep.
Registration: Registration begins on the first day of classes and continues on regular class days throughout the year. Students are accepted as long as space is available. You may obtain a registration form at regular class times, or at other times from the church office, or online https://www.newcovenantpca.org/english-classes
Childcare: Childcare is not provided.
Refreshment Breaks: We gather together for snacks from 8pm to 8:15pm. This is a social time for students to visit with their teachers and new friends.
General Information: If you have any questions or concerns about any of our policies or practices, please call the church office at 757-467-5945 or send an email to ncpcenglish@gmail.com.

Men's Monday Sports Nights
Join us for soccer and fellowship at 7pm on Monday nights! It’s also a great chance to get to know our brothers at Evergreen Korean Presbyterian.
Questions? Contact Wade Dryden.