Sunday School
Adult & Youth Sunday School Classes
Time: 11:15am
Taught by: Ben Titter
Who is invited: Everyone
Location: Fellowship Hall
Summary: Leviticus is a study of this central book of the Pentateuch and how it fits into the Bible’s overall story of God’s redeeming love.
How Can I Know God’s Will?
Time: 11:15am
Taught by: Paul Wrigley
Who is invited: Everyone
Location: Classroom B
Summary:Most of us will make from five to ten major decisions in our lifetime. However, every day we are faced with numerous ordinary decisions that we must make. How do we decide? What is the “will of God” in my life for these decisions? Does God guide us differently for major decisions than ordinary decisions? Is there a specific “will of God” for my life? If God has a wonderful plan for my life, how can I discover what it is? In this class we will seek to answer the question, “How many wills of God are there?” We will do a brief word study; examine two basic positions on how God guides; how NOT to make decisions and the associated misconceptions and pitfalls; and answer the question, “What is the better way?”. As we study “How God Guides,” we will examine the Prerequisites, Principles, and Process of Biblical Decision Making. Finally, the principles of guidance will be applied in two areas: work and marriage.
20s & 30s Class: Luke
Time: 11:15am
Taught by:
Jeff & Becky Brauch
Josh & Abigail Khoury
Who is invited: 20s and 30s
Location: Fellowship Hall
Summary: Authored by the physician and historian Luke, the Gospel of Luke aims to strengthen the faith of believers by presenting a rich account of the life, teaching, and works of Jesus Christ. Luke emphasizes Jesus’ humanity, as well as His divinity, and His care for those who are often forgotten or marginalized. The class is designed to help us grown to know Jesus better – and to grow in relationship with each other.
Middle School & High School
The Wonderful Works of God: Herman Bavinck for Children & Teens
Time: 11:15am
Taught by: Pastor Matthew Reichenberger
Who is invited: Middle School & High School Students
Location: Classroom A
Summary: Let's just address the elephant in the room: the title of this Sunday School class sounds like an oxymoron. Herman Bavinck was a Dutch scholar/theologian who is usually read by graduate students. However, his outlook on systematic theology is not just relatable to Ph.D students but also to middle and high school students. The question that Bavinck always asked was, "How does theology relate to how we live our everyday lives?" In this class, we will strive to study high and lofty theology in a way that glorifies God, applies to our everyday lives, and makes us more and more in awe of who God is..
Time: 11:15am
Taught by: Pastor Rob
Who is invited: Everyone
Location: TBD
Summary: Learn how God uses the weeping prophet to show the glory of his covenant faithfulness to a covenantally unfaithful people. We will explore the historical content of Jeremiah and use the study guide: “Knowing the Bible: Jeremiah” to guide classroom discussion.
Inquirers’ Class
Time: 11:15am
Taught by: Pastor Jeff Elliott
Who is invited: Everyone
Location: Conference Room
Summary: If you are curious about New Covenant or the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA -- our denomination), this is a great chance to learn about us; what we believe; and why we do what we do. If you are interested in joining the church, we ask that you take the class as well.
Children’s Sunday School Classes
Children’s Sunday School, Children’s Worship, and Sing Time are all in-person. Please join them in-person or watch past video recordings at this link.