Bulletin - January 2nd, 2022

Magnificent, Marvelous, Matchless Love

Magnificent, marvelous, matchless love too vast and astounding to tell, forever existing in worlds above, now offered and given to all. Oh, fountain of beauty eternal, the Father, the Spirit, the Son, sufficient and endlessly generous, magnificent, marvelous, matchless love.

Creation is brimming with thankfulness, the mountains, exultant they stand, the seasons rejoice in Your faithfulness, all life is sustained by Your hand. You crown every meadow with color; You paint every shade in the sky. Each day the dawn wakes as an encore of magnificent, marvelous, matchless love.

Chorus: How great, how sure, His love endures forevermore. Magnificent, marvelous, matchless love.

What grace that You entered our brokenness; You came in the fullness of time. How far we had fallen from righteousness but not from the mercies of Christ. Your cross is our door to redemption; Your death is our fullness of life. That day, how forgiveness flowed as a flood, magnificent, marvelous, matchless love.

Bridge: United in Your resurrection, You lift us to infinite heights. Could anything sever or take us from magnificent, marvelous, matchless love. Chorus

Words and music by Matt Papa, Aaron Keyes, Luke Brown, Keith Getty and Kristyn Getty; 2018, 10000 Fathers, Common Hymnal Publishing, Getty Music Hymns and Songs, Getty Music Publishing, Love Your Enemies Publishing; CCLI License # 387777

Call to Worship/Prayer of Invocation

Hosanna (Praise is Rising)

Praise is rising, eyes are turning to You. We turn to You. Hope is stirring; hearts are yearning for You. We long for You;

Pre-chorus: ’Cause when we see You, we find strength to face the day. In Your presence all our fears are washed away, washed away.

Chorus: Hosanna, hosanna! You are the God who saves us, worthy of all our praises! Hosanna, hosanna! Come have Your way among us; we welcome You here, Lord Jesus.

Hear the sound of hearts returning to You; we turn to You. In Your Kingdom broken lives are made new. You make us new.                                          

Words and music by Paul Baloche and Brenton Brown; 2005, 2006, Thankyou Music, Integrity’s Hosanna! Music; CCLI License # 387777

Fairest Lord Jesus

Fairest Lord Jesus; Ruler of all nature, O Thou of God and man the Son. Thee will I cherish; Thee will I honor, Thou my soul’s glory, joy, and crown.

Fair are the meadows; fairer still the woodlands, robed in the blooming garb of spring, Jesus is fairer; Jesus is purer, Who makes the woeful heart to sing.

Fair is the sunshine; fairer still the moonlight and all the twinkling starry host.

Jesus shines brighter; Jesus shines purer than all the angels heav’n can boast.

Beautiful Saviour! Lord of all the nations! Son of God and Son of man! Glory and honor, praise, adoration, now and forevermore be Thine!

Translated from German by Joseph August Seiss and from “Schlesische Volkslieder” compiled by August Heinrich Hoffman von Fallersleben; words and music are public domain; CCLI License # 387777

Corporate Confession of Sin

Pastor Jeff Elliott

Almighty Father, we confess and acknowledge most sincerely before Your holy majesty that we are poor sinners, conceived and born in iniquity and corruption, prone to do evil, incapable of any good, and in our depravity we transgress Your holy commandments without ceasing. In so doing, we purchase for ourselves, through Your righteous judgment, our ruin and perdition. Nevertheless, O Lord, we are grieved that we have offended You; and we condemn ourselves and our sins with true repentance, asking Your grace to relieve our distress. O God and Father most gracious and full of compassion, have mercy on us in the name of Your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. And, as You blot out our sins and stains, magnify and increase in us day by day the grace of Your Holy Spirit, producing in us the fruits of righteousness and innocence which are pleasing to You. We ask in the name of Christ our Lord. Amen.

Morning Prayer

(Dismissal for Children’s Worship for Age 4 through Kindergarten.)


Be Still, My Soul

 (** You Can Give by Text: Text "Give" to 757-500-8680. **)

Hymn No. 733


Scripture Reading

John 5:1-18 (Pew Bible pg. 890)


Don’t Get Trapped!

Celebration of the Lord’s Supper

New Covenant welcomes all baptized Christians who have forsaken their sin and trust in Jesus Christ alone for salvation, and who are members of congregations that proclaim the Gospel, to receive the Lord’s Supper with us. Individuals pick up their elements from the tables in the sanctuary or in the fellowship hall and wait to eat together as a family meal. Gluten free bread is provided.

Be Still, My Soul (During Communion)

All Glory Be to Christ

Should nothing of our efforts stand, no legacy survive; unless the Lord does raise the house, in vain its builders strive. To you who boast tomorrow’s gain, tell me what is your life? A mist that vanishes at dawn; all glory be to Christ.

Chorus: All glory be to Christ our King! All glory be to Christ! His rule and reign we’ll ever sing, all glory be to Christ!

His will be done, His kingdom come, on earth as is above, Who is Himself our daily bread; praise Him, the Lord of love. Let living water satisfy the thirsty without price; we’ll take a cup of kindness yet; all glory be to Christ. Chorus

When on the day the great I Am, the faithful and the true, the Lamb Who was for sinners slain, is making all things new. Behold, our God shall live with us and be our steadfast light. And we shall e’er His people be; all glory be to Christ. Chorus

Words and arrangement by Dustin Kensrue (from a traditional Scottish folk tune); 2012, We Are Younger We Are Faster Music; CCLI License # 387777


Magnificent, Marvelous, Matchless Love


** Officer Nominations in January. Through January NCPC will receive nominations for the offices of elder and deacon. Nominees who choose to go through the training will do so starting in February, with election in June. Nomination forms with information are in the narthex. All members are asked to engage in this process prayerfully. Completed forms may be placed in the nomination box near the sanctuary entrance.

** He’s where the JOY is! The NCPC Women’s Ministry invites you to read the Bible chronologically with us in 2022. We’ll pair our reading with The Bible Recap (www.thebiblerecap.com/start) which summarizes the text, helps unpack deep truths and provides links for more study if desired. Go to www.newcovenantpca/womens-ministry for more information and join us as we find JOY in Him on every page. If you have any questions, please contact Kara Larson at women@newcovenantpca.org.

** Singtime Immediately After Worship, Preschool Through 5th grade, Learning Center in Children’s Ministry Wing.

** Sunday School Classes TODAY. Preschool through 5th grade in the Children’s Ministry Wing; Middle & High School Class in the Green Room; The Spiritual Gifts in Classroom B; and The Life and Psalms of David in the Fellowship Hall.

** Church-wide Fellowship Brunch next Sunday, January 9. We will have a church-wide brunch following the worship service in place of Sunday school. Since we want visitors to come, regardless of whether or not they bring food, we ask all families to please bring your favorite main dish AND either a side dish or dessert. Single adults, please provide a side dish of your choice. Beverages will be provided. All visitors are invited to join us!

** 2022 Offering Envelopes Are in the Narthex.

** Visit Our Website at www.newcovenantpca.org for information about our church – if you want to plug in at the church, you can do so through New Covenant Connect on the site.

** Are You Getting Texts & Emails Through Flocknote? If not, text please to 84576.


Bulletin - January 9th, 2022


Bulletin - December 26th, 2021