Bulletin - August 29th, 2021

NCPC Sunday Morning Worship Service

August 29, 2021

Generous King

You spoke and our hearts began to beat, You gave us breath and air to breathe, it’s all from You, Lord, it’s all from You. You give the morning sun its light, all that we need Your hand provides, it’s all from You, Lord, it’s all from You. With humble hearts we thank You, with grateful hearts we sing out.

Chorus: Generous King, You give out of Your fullness, showering kindness. You give, generous King, mercies unending, love never failing, You give.

The wrath we deserved was furious, the cup that we drink is full of love it’s all from You, Lord, it’s all from You. Your Spirit You’ve freely given us now we see Jesus glorious it’s all from You, Lord, it’s all from You. With humble hearts we thank You, with grateful hearts we sing out.

Bridge: Thank You for Your goodness poured on us through Jesus. Chorus

Words and music by Joel Sczebel and Pat Sczebel; 2011, Sovereign Grace Worship CCLI License # 387777

Call to Worship/Prayer of Invocation

Psalm 103 (Bless the Lord, O My Soul)

O my soul! with all thy powers, bless the Lord’s most holy name; O my soul! till life’s last hours, bless the Lord, His praise proclaim; thine infirmities He healed, He thy peace and pardon sealed. O my soul! with all thy powers, bless the Lord’s most holy name.

He with lovingkindness crowned thee, satisfied thy mouth with good, from the snares of death unbound thee, eagle-like thy youth renewed rich in tender mercy He, slow to wrath, to favor free. O my soul! with all thy powers, bless the Lord’s most holy name.

Chorus: Bless the Lord! O my soul, bless the Lord! O my soul, bless the Lord! O my soul, bless the Lord, O my soul, O my soul!

Far as east and west are parted, He our sins hath severed thus; as a father, loving-hearted, spares his son, He spareth us; for He knows our feeble frame, He remembers whence we came. O my soul! with all thy powers, bless the Lord’s most holy name. Chorus

From eternity enduring, to eternity, the Lord, still His people’s bliss insuring, keeps His covenanted word: yea, with truth and righteousness, children's children He will bless. O my soul! with all thy powers, bless the Lord's most holy name. Chorus

Words by James Montgomery (alt. Kevin Twit) and music by Kevin Twit; 2015, Kevin Twit Music; CCLI License # 387777

My Worth Is Not in What I Own

My worth is not in what I own; not in the strength of flesh and bone. But in the costly wounds of love at the cross.

My worth is not in skill or name; in win or lose, in pride or shame. But in the blood of Christ that flowed at the cross.

Chorus: I rejoice in my Redeemer, greatest treasure, wellspring of my soul. I will trust in Him, no other; my soul is satisfied in Him alone.

As summer flowers we fade and die; fame, youth, and beauty hurry by. But life eternal calls to us at the cross.

I will not boast in wealth or might, or human wisdom’s fleeting light. But I will boast in knowing Christ at the cross. Chorus

Two wonders here that I confess: my worth and my unworthiness. My value fixed, my ransom paid at the cross.

Words and music by Keith Getty, Kristyn Getty, and Graham Kendrick; Getty Music Publishing and Make Way Music; CCLI License # 387777

Corporate Confession of Sin

Eric DeGroff, Ruling Elder

O Maker and Sustainer of all things, day and night are Yours, heaven and earth declare Your glory; but we, creatures of Your power and beauty, have sinned against You by resisting the demands of Your law, the dictates of our consciences, the calls of Your gospel. Our depraved nature reveals itself in disobedience and rebellion. Remember not the sins of our youth, nor the multiplied transgressions of later years, our failure to make use of time and talents, our abuse of Your mercies, our wasted Sabbaths, our long neglect of Your great salvation, our disregard of the friend of sinners. While we confess our guilt, help us to feel it deeply, with hatred of our rebellious sin, even as we remember that there is hope in You, and see the Lamb Who takes away sin. We ask humbly in His name. Amen.

Morning Prayer

How Great Is Your Faithfulness

Now unto the King who reigns over all and never changes or turns, unfailing justice, unfading grace, Whose promises remain, yes, Your promises remain.

Chorus: The heavens ring, the saints all sing, “Great is Your faithfulness!” From age to age we will proclaim, “Great is Your faithfulness, how great is Your faithfulness!”

Ev’rything changes, but You stay the same. Your Word and kingdom endure. We lean on the promise of all that You are, and trust forevermore. We will trust forevermore. Chorus

Bridge: From generation to generation You never failed us, O God. Yesterday and today and tomorrow, until the day You return.

The heavens ring, the saints all sing, “Great is Your faithfulness!” From age to age we will proclaim, “Great is Your faithfulness!” (2X) How great is Your faithfulness! How great is your faithfulness!

Words and Music by Jonas Myrin and Matt Redman; 2009, Thankyou Music, Said and Done Music, and SHOUT!! Publishing; CCLI License # 387777

Hymn No. 733


Scripture Reading

Acts 16:12-40 (Pew Bible pg. 925)


Paul Demonstrating Love That Mirrors Jesus’

Celebration of the Lord’s Supper

New Covenant welcomes all baptized Christians who have forsaken their sin and trust in Jesus Christ alone for salvation, and who are members of congregations that proclaim the Gospel, to receive the Lord’s Supper with us. Individuals pick up their elements from the tables in the sanctuary or in the fellowship hall and wait to eat together as a family meal. Gluten free bread is provided.

Nothing but the Blood (Hymn No. 307) (Sung During Communion)

Yet Not I But Through Christ in Me

What gift of grace is Jesus, my Redeemer. There is no more for heaven now to give. He is my joy, my righteousness and freedom, my steadfast love, my deep and boundless peace. To this I hold: my hope is only Jesus. For my life is wholly bound to His. Oh how strange and divine, I can sing: all is mine! Yet not I, but through Christ in me.

The night is dark, but I am not forsaken, for by my side the Savior, He will stay. I labor on in weakness and rejoicing, for in my need, His power is displayed. To this I hold: my Shepherd will defend me. Through the deepest valley He will lead. Oh the night has been won, and I shall overcome! Yet not I, but through Christ in me.

No fate I dread, I know I am forgiven, the future sure, the price, it has been paid. For Jesus bled and suffered for my pardon, and He was raised to overthrow the grave. To this I hold: my sin has been defeated. Jesus now, and ever, is my plea. Oh the chains are released, I can sing: I am free! Yet not I, but through Christ in me.

With every breath I long to follow Jesus, for He has said that He will bring me home. And day by day I know He will renew me until I stand with joy before the throne. To this I hold: my hope is only Jesus. All the glory evermore to Him. When the race is complete, still my lips shall repeat: yet not I, but through Christ in me.

Words and music by Jonny Robinson, Rich Thompson, and Michael Farren; 2018, CityAlight Music, Farren Love and War Publishing, Integrity’s Alleluia! Music; CCLI License # 387777


Generous King


** Ministry Fair TODAY. All adults including middle and high schoolers are invited to the Fellowship Hall (where all the coffee and snacks will be located) to learn about many, many ministry opportunities for you here at New Covenant. SingTime, children’s SS through 5th grade, and nursery will be held as usual.

** You Can Give by Text: Text "Give" to 757-500-8680. Are You Getting Texts & Emails Through Flocknote? If not, text please to 84576. Visit Our Website at www.newcovenantpca.org for information about our church – plug in here through New Covenant Connect. You may also contact our church office at 757-467-5945, x-300.

** Children’s Sunday School Promotion Sunday Next Week. We will have our children advance to the new grades beginning on Sunday, September 5th. During the SS hour next week, all of our youth and adults will hear the report from the Youth Summer Mission with EY2S in the Fellowship Hall. Fall Adult classes will kick off September 12.

** Sympathy Is Extended to Fred Showers upon the death of his brother this past week. Please keep Fred and his family in prayer.


Bulletin - September 5th, 2021


Bulletin - August 22nd, 2021